1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
| class TreeNode attr_accessor :data, :size, :left, :right def initialize(data, left=nil, right=nil) self.data = data self.left = left self.right = right end
def leaf? left.nil? and right.nil? end end
def get_frequency_table(str) table = {} str.split("").each do |char| if table[char] table[char] += 1 else table[char] = 1 end end table end
def get_huffman_tree(frequency_table) nodes = frequency_table.sort_by {|char, frequency| frequency}.map{|item| TreeNode.new(item)}
max_frequncy_node = TreeNode.new(["", nodes.last.data[1] + 1]) nodes << max_frequncy_node
while nodes.size > 1 node_0 = nodes[0] node_1 = nodes[1] new_node = TreeNode.new([nil, node_0.data[1] + node_1.data[1]], node_0, node_1)
nodes = nodes[2, nodes.size] << new_node nodes.sort_by! {|node| node.data[1]} end nodes.first end
def get_huffman_coding_table(huffman_tree) return {huffman_tree.data[0] => "0"} if huffman_tree.leaf? depth_first_iterator(huffman_tree, "", {}) end
def depth_first_iterator(node, code, table) if node.leaf? table[node.data[0]] = code end table.merge(depth_first_iterator(node.left, code + "0", table)) if node.left table.merge(depth_first_iterator(node.right, code + "1", table)) if node.right table end
def encode(str, table) bin_str = str.split('').map {|char| table[char]}.join
while bin_str.size % 7 != 0 bin_str += table.to_a.last[1] end
bin_str.scan(/.{7}/).map do |oct_string| oct_string.to_i(2).chr end.join end
def decode(str, table) table = Hash[table.map { |i| [i[1], i[0]] }] result = ""
code = "" str.split('').map do |char| bin_str = char.ord.to_s(2) "0" * (7 - bin_str.size) + bin_str end.join.split('').each do |bit| code += bit if table[code] result += table[code] code = "" end end result end
str = %( I’ll make this short: The thing you’re doing now, reading prose on a screen, is going out of fashion.
We’re taking stock of the internet right now, with writers who cover the digital world cataloging some of the most consequential currents shaping it. If you probe those currents and look ahead to the coming year online, one truth becomes clear. The defining narrative of our online moment concerns the decline of text, and the exploding reach and power of audio and video.
THIS MULTIMEDIA INTERNET has been gaining on the text-based internet for years. But last year, the story accelerated sharply, and now audio and video are unstoppable. The most influential communicators online once worked on web pages and blogs. They’re now making podcasts, Netflix shows, propaganda memes, Instagram and YouTube channels, and apps like HQ Trivia.
Consider the most compelling digital innovations now emerging: the talking assistants that were the hit of the holidays, Apple’s face-reading phone, artificial intelligence to search photos or translate spoken language, and augmented reality — which inserts any digital image into a live view of your surroundings. ) table = get_huffman_coding_table(get_huffman_tree(get_frequency_table(str))) encoded_string = encode(str, table) decoded_srring = decode(encoded_string, table)
puts "============= Origin" puts str puts "============= Encoded" puts encoded_string puts "============= Decoded" puts decoded_srring puts "============= Result" puts "Origin string length in ASCII: #{str.size}" puts "Encoded string length in ASCII: #{encoded_string.size}"